Thursday, October 07, 2004

To: The Unwashed Masses...

I enjoy writing as though I'm addressing some giant, ethereal horde, especially when I imagine everyone just waiting with bated breath for the next entry. Sadly (realistically), I'm more or less writing for myself. Unless I looked like Lindsay Lohan and started posting semi-nudes, I'm sure site traffic will be relatively thin. In other news, I'm excited that it only took 2 posts for me to mention a celebrity and the term "semi-nude" in the same sentence. Very Page-Six, if you will.

Pretensious pseudo sociological complaint/mission statement: Because of the self-reflective nature of blogs, they tend to be Narcissus' modern day reflecting pool. I know that's no surprise. Christ, it's nothing more than "dear diary" with people hoping to read it instead of ferreting it away under their mattress. Facts are facts, most people lead uninteresting lives filed with trivialities that they don't even fined interesting. I am no different, so I'm going to try and keep this anon and not cater to my massive impulse for self-aggrandizement (though I will cater to my massive impulse for self-deprecation, but since you don't know me I'm sure it will be with uneven results).

I promise I'll try my best to curb the run on sentences in the future.


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