Friday, October 29, 2004

white balls, red sox, any questions?

I'm not much of one for baseball most of the time (though I am one for typographical errors) but I watched the entire post season and it was very satisfying. There were a bunch of reasons, from filling my lonely and endless nights with something to look forward to besides chronic self flaggelation to watching the Yankees shit the bed in a most imperial fashion. The sox really put it on the ass of the cards and that's nice, since I don't have to hear legions of self-loathing misery addicts bemoan their choosen fate anymore. Now they won and they're just another team. The moral of the story here is that if you're a person whose a consumate loser, you suck; if you are a fan of a perennial loser franchise (sox, whalers, cubs, Hardee's) that means you have grit and dedication. So really there is no moral, I just wanted to sound deep and it failed miserably. does that mean I have grit and determination?

I apologize for the total dearth of workable humor in this post.


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