Friday, November 05, 2004

Serpico For Vice Prez, The Streets Demand It!

Frank Serpico. Respected in the streets, feared in the precinct, ya heard? But what about the hallowed halls of congress and the ship of fools that is the White House? Well, with four more years of bullshit, it's time to give my man Frank a call. That cop pension gots to be stretched pretty thin in these modern times and I doubt even Pacino's get any chedda from the movie anymore. And with four more years, unless Cheney renews his pact with Satan to keep his heart on the up and up, he's dead man walking. So Frank's name gets mentioned (time to live up to your reputation, liberal media) and then he's up in this bitch like "whoa!".

This is the pay-off, because Serpico can't tolerate hypocrisy, corruption or your run of the mill bullshit. So he'll be breaking some skull (& bones) before the federally mandated morning prayer. Maybe we can sneak Clinton in the back door for some good old fashioned circa 1996 grab assery too, but keep that on the low.

Plus, it'll be nice to get some fierce, bearded, red blooded italians back up in office. We've been out to long. Holla at a playa, Mario Cuomo!


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