Monday, November 29, 2004

Status: Nerd!

I saw the Incredibles at the cinema over the thanksgiving weekend. before discussing the finer points of the feature, a brief aside about how totally out of hand the mall is on Black Friday. If I was to rate it on a scale of 1 to "out of fucking control" the mall would have been scored a staggeringly high 57. I was in South Florida (Palm Beach) and everyone, from the richest socialite to the most grizzled swamp dwelling hillbillywas in the mall at the same time. People weren't just idling about either, they were really up in that bitch, hustling around, juking and weaving through everyone. The air was redolant with commerce. It was also resplendant with jailbait and tight middle-age ass, but that barely lessened the social anxiety i was experiencing. Still, that was nice.

Incredibles: Fun, like a comic book marketed to kids but with more than enough stuff for the older set. In this case, older set means older than 16. Your boy likes comic books (sad, so sad) so I thought it was awesome. The Incredibles is the Cristal of Pixar films. I haven't seen the others in a minute, but they are probably the champale. So where's the review? Here it is: No matter how awesome a cartoon is, after it's over you have to deal with the fact that you just went and saw a cartoon with your family, are older than 22 years old (but younger than 26) and a majority of the audience was 7. Did I mention that I saw it with my family. so if you realize that whole thing and top it off with the fact that you aren't going to get laid that night or the next couple (read:ever) and still enjoy it, it must be fucking great. That said, the film was fucking great. Peep it.


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